WebSight Design recently developed HomeToggle, an additional site for realtor-client, David DuPont.
David DuPont runs The DuPont Group, a real estate team that falls under the Decker Bullock Sotheby's Realty umbrella. Using his over 15 years of real estate and business experience, David realized that there needed to be a new way of valuing homes, especially with the current economic climate. Home Toggle is the new real estate valuation method he created. It is based on the consensus of the real estate community and can be used in conjunction with or as an alternative to the comparison method. The valuation number comes from three factors: property structure, the lot and location value, and a "wow factor." It takes into account numbers from past sales and current appraisals. Currently, in a beta stage and continuously evolving, Home Toggle is for the use of realtors, home buyers and appraisers, and any others interested in real estate.