PPNYC Action Fund Gets a Better, Stronger, Punchier Site
PPNYC Action Fund Gets a Better, Stronger, Punchier Site

PPNYC Action Fund Gets a Better, Stronger, Punchier Site

October 1, 2012

WebSight Design recently launched a re-design for the Planned Parenthood New York City Action Fund. The site has been revamped with a new layout and colors that coordinate with the national Planned Parenthood Action Center. This launch also represents a brand new code base in our cutting edge Yii framework, which is a high-performance open-source PHP framework for developing web applications. This dynamic site offers a full site administrator where PPNYC organizers can update page content, add events, create news articles and manage the home page photo gallery with ease. The site will soon have a completely revamped voter guide which will tell people which candidates and elected officials are pro-choice and/or endorsed by the PPNYC Action Fund. There is also Facebook and Twitter integration on every page. Welcome to a better, stronger more punchy PPNYC Action Fund! The Planned Parenthood New York City Action Fund is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is education and advocacy. While you'll notice all the fun things happening on the front end at PPNYC Action Fund, changes have been made behind the scenes at Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York (PPNAY) as well. PPNAY and PPNYC Action Fund share a database so the changes made to the Action Fund are now applied to PPANY as well, making updates easier for Planned Parenthood administrators and a more powerful tool for users searching for legislator voting records. PPANY engages in educational and electoral activity including voter education campaigns, grassroots organizing and legislative advocacy. PPANY is a non-partisan organization committed to supporting pro-choice, pro-family planning candidates for elected office.  

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