WSD is excited to launch an inspiring and complex site redesign for Institutional Real Estate, Inc. (IREI). IREI is a leading force in industry knowledge and provides institutional real estate investors with decision making tools through its publications, conferences and consulting services. WSD completed a feat of engineering by building into an incredibly robust content manager with Single Sign On (SSO), an integrated Salesforce API and a well developed e-commerce site with a shopping cart and controlled checkout system. As one of their major services, IREI publishes a diversified portfolio of news magazines, special reports and directories for their customers in the investment community. One thing that is critical to this client is making sure this content is available only to those who are paying for it. To achieve this WSD created paywalls that offer maximum indexing of SEO related content through excerpts, but that make full articles available only to paying customers. By re-structuring their existing content we effectively allowed IREI to quadruple the number of indexed pages allowing them to build up a huge SEO profile. We integrated the existing site CMS with the Salesforce database so admins can enter in article content for the website and push that content to the Salesforce database without entering duplicate content. We also created a Single Sign On (SSO) so when users sign on they are automatically logged on to the Salesforce database as well and can move back and forth seamlessly between the two. WSD also updated IREI's subscription management system. Along with a member manager with Single Sign On (SSO) the client can also manage how long people are subscribed as well as the access that people have on the website. Along with the subscription management, we also integrated with the Uberflip API, which is a digital magazine format, to ensure that only authorized users and subscribers can access the Uberflip links. As part of the research content that IREI provides to their users they do a large amount of news indexing. They provided us with 7 different RSS feeds, we pulled the links and all the information on the news excerpts and displayed them on the site very much like an RSS reader. We also worked with their old development company to import old data to preserve their member information and their products. The site also has a robust e-commerce section where customers can purchase items like books, fill a virtual shopping cart and check out with a controlled checkout system. This system enables the client to gather as much information about their customers as possible. is a significant achievement in any web development landscape and one that both WebSight Design and IREI are thrilled with.

WSD Launches Robust Content Manager for IREI With E-Commerce and Much More