WebSight Design works with many individuals, companies, and brands that offer a wide variety of unique services. The WSD team is lucky enough to dive deep into the offerings of each company as we get to know their objectives and goals for design and development purposes. With our featured client series, we give you the chance to learn about our notable clients. The Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) is a long-time client of WSD's. Since 1998, we have provided many services for PPLM including design, development, and hosting. The Planned Parenthood organization has 68 independent local affiliates and 700 health centers throughout the United States. The Planned Parenthood websites run on a national platform, with most sites in the different cities offering the same information and resources. However, PPLM had unique needs that were not supported by the company's software, giving WSD the opportunity to design, create, and develop additional software. For instance, WSD provided PPLM with the software to allow users to request contraceptive prescription refills online. WSD also created a custom lead generation form to encourage users to sign up to stay involved and informed on all things PPLM - social, email action, professional training, education, counseling, etc. Also, with a name and email address, visitors can view PPLM's annual report, highlighting achievements, financials, campaigns, annual funds, legacies, and leadership of the past year. In addition to PPLM's main site, WSD also hosts several sites that the organization originally built with other vendors. Included are: Sex Ed Matters, a grassroots campaign built to support access to comprehensive sex education in Massachusetts, and Get Real Education, a promising sex education organization supporting sex-ed in schools through teacher training and curriculum implementation. PPLM has had a tested and recognized history. It is no easy feat to be on the forefront of pro-choice, reproductive health, and equality through options, especially when politicians and pro-life activists are screaming down your throat. PPLM took the biggest hit in 1994 when a gunman opened fire in Massachusetts on two of their clinics. Both fortunately and unfortunately, with tragedy, comes awareness. PPLM fought through and the Planned Parenthood organization has been fighting for women's rights ever since, harder than ever. For this purpose, PPLM created an advocacy arm website, pplmvotes.com which WSD hosts and developed several transactional components for the site, including online donation and event registration. In recent news, the Supreme Court case McCullen vs. Coakley will be heard today, which directly affects PPLM. As of now, Massachusetts has a law that blocks protests from coming within 35 feet of abortion clinics. In this case, it's a battle between free speech and abortion rights. Coakley stands in defense of the law for first amendment rights and public safety, especially considering Massachusetts' clinic's history. The opposing side, looking to rid of the 35 feet safety zone, believes it specifically targets anti-abortion speech and limits the rights of free speech for individuals. Our connection with PPLM has also led us to valuable relationships with other entities in the space. WSD built, maintains, and hosts the sites of Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York State and The Planned Parenthood New York City Action Fund. We are privileged to have developed PPLM's site and microsites. For an organization that is taking leaps and bounds for education, support, and choice, we are happy to provide functional websites that provide ease of use for both the visitor and the owner.

Featured Client: Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts