WSD's Featured Client Series: A-Connect
WSD's Featured Client Series: A-Connect

WSD's Featured Client Series: A-Connect

February 17, 2014

Image of Website

WebSight Design is proud to be a trusted Bay Area website design and development company. We appreciate being able to meet with clients in person and treasure being available in our office for clients who like to stop by and check-in. In addition to being there for local clients, WSD also prides ourselves in our international reach. We've provided websites for clients in multiple countries and multiple languages, mastering the time zone difficulties and being available when needed. This featured client post highlights a-connect; a project execution firm with international reach and exceptional experience.

Headquartered in Zurich, a-connect has offices in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, U.K., Sweden, United States, Latin America, and Asia. Spanning 40+ countries, a-connect professionals provide project management and implementation services to individuals and companies across the globe. Looking to have more flexibility with their site and urgently looking for a company that could provide timely support for maintenance, a-connect found WSD. We were a perfect match for what a-connect was looking for. Our skilled team maintains their site and our 24-7 support team is available at all times of the day for quick fixes.

With a company that spans multiple time zones, WSD's support is key to a-connect's fluid workflow. Whether you're reading this from San Francisco, Shanghai, or anywhere in between, we hope you know WSD is here for you. Reach out and connect with us to find out how we can help you and your business thrive in the digital space.    

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