In the spring of 2019, WebSight Design (WSD) launched
This website was developed so that Golden Entertainment could have a web interface for its new Player Rewards system, True Rewards. WSD worked with the vendor Micro Gaming Technologies to set up an API connection that enables users to create an account on the website. User accounts are linked with their player ID and rewards specific data.
This site has a complete member manager with API integration and a custom API endpoint manager for adding new endpoints without additional programming.
The new True Rewards program is being rolled out on a per property basis. Currently there are 5 properties participating in the rewards program. Eventually the True Rewards program will expand to more than sixty casinos, taverns and supermarkets.
WSD managed the front end production for this project. The homepage uses a Tiles Manager. The "Our Properties," "True Rewards Benefits" and "Enjoy Perks from Our Partners" are all controlled via the same Tiles Manager.
When a user clicks the navigation there is a "smooth-scroll" down or up the page to the section you clicked on. The sign in functionality up top also has a toggle effect, so that when you click "Sign In," a drop-down appears allowing users to sign in, and prompting new users to sign up.