View of toy soldiers with superimposed dates
A Look Back: The Evolution Of Hobby Bunker

A Look Back: The Evolution Of Hobby Bunker

November 10, 2022 | By: Author Page for Quinn Nichols

As a company that's been building websites for more than 25 years, we've been fortunate to develop many long-standing partnerships and evolve with our clients through technological advancements and trends. For example, our client, Hobby Bunker, has grown tremendously since the early 2000s. Here's a look at the online evolutionary presence of the iconic Massachusetts-based hobby shop through the years. 

Screenshot of old website

The 2004 redesign

WebSight Design hosted the website starting in 2000, but it wasn't until 2004 that WSD did a significant redesign of, using what was, at the time, the latest web tech and trends. We improvee navigation and user experience, and gave the site a completely new visual feel. We added many new elements like search and shopping cart features, making online browsing and purchasing more effortless for customers.

Screenshot of old website

2005 logo redesign

Hobby Bunker redesigned its logo in 2005, which they still use today.

We also began adding a visual holiday vibe each winter, to keep the site fresh and encourage holiday shopping. The client looked forward to the various versions of snowflakes, winter firs, and gift-wrapped packages adorning the site.

Screenshot of the Hobby Bunker site in 2012

2012 website re-design

In 2012, we partnered with Hobby Bunker again to completely redesign the website. This improved version introduced new navigational items, dropdowns, product displays, a revamped version of the logo, and more.

For nearly a decade, the Hobby Bunker site still utilized the foundational framework from our 2012 design, with a series of periodic updates. We kept the site working and looking fresh for a very long time, until it was apparent the internet had changed, and needed to change with it.


Screenshot of the Hobby Bunker site in 2022

2021 redesign

In 2021, we gave the site a much-needed overhaul, both from a visual and a programming perspective. The website became fully responsive and mobile-friendly, the images and interface scaled to fit the screen, and modern improvements on webfonts and CSS display were fully tapped to give the latest its visual appeal and user-friendly interface. The fact that WSD had been working with Hobby Bunker for so long gave us unique insights into what worked — and what didn't — for this e-commerce business. We were able to harness not only years of data, but our relationship with the Hobby Bunker team, to create an updated website that fit their needs.

We hope to continue this partnership into the future. Who knows what the next design will look like!

We are thankful for the many long-standing partnerships we have formed over the years and the opportunity to continue to grow and evolve with our clients.

If you are shopping for a unique holiday gift or supplies for your favorite toy soldier hobbyist, check out our friends at

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