A Little Town with Lots of Charm
North of San Francisco, about a 75-minute drive up the 101 is the tiny town of Tomales. Driving these winding, foggy roads can feel like going back in time. A few miles inland and on Coastal Route One, Tomales is nestled between northern California’s Bodega and Tomales Bays. Tomales is a small, storybook town with a population that hovers around 200. When Bay Area locals, or out of towners find themselves here, Tomales Hotel is a welcoming place to rest.
Project Overview
The Tomales Hotel is the new name for the historic property, formerly The Continental Inn. The Continental was operated from the early 1990s by Penny Hammond, who hired WebSight Design (WSD) to build the hotel's website. Penny was introduced to WSD by another WSD client, Brit Ian Agrell (https://agrellcarving.com).
After Penny’s passing in 2022, Rachel and Bill Bonini took ownership of the hotel. The Boninis renovated the hotel, and continued with WSD to rebuild the website (tomaleshotel.com) from the ground up. Launched in May 2023, the new website is fully responsive and folds in a brand refresh; the site also includes new features to increase traffic and SEO: Google reviews and an events page.

Tomaleshotel.com mirrors the colors of northern California’s coast and showcases beautiful photography provided by Soup Group Consulting.