When Sammy Hagar created Red Rocker Brewing his team reached out to WebSight Design (WSD) to develop a website splash page. The enterprising musician had been a long-time client of WSD. In 2021, WSD launched Sammy’s Beach Bar Cocktail Company, featuring his sparkling rum. The LA-based creative studio, Meat & Potatoes, has provided the designs for Sammy’s ready-to-drink cocktail lines.
A high bar for visual branding.
Throughout his music career, Sammy Hagar has made his mark on popular culture. Sammy sets the bar high for visual branding. The aesthetic is a vibrant mix of rock'n'roll legacy, beach parties, Mexico, and of course the color red — a moniker of Sammy’s personal style.
Classic rock and roll meets iconography.
Sammy’s nickname “The Red Rocker” came from a concert review in 1977 after Sammy performed his song “Red” dressed head to toe in red and playing a red Les Paul guitar in front of a packed stadium. His brewing company carries the name, and specializes in a crisp easy drinking Mexican style beer perfect for a sunset beach gathering with Sammy’s music cued up.
The Red Rocker Brewing site is clean and bold. It features a guitar pick icon with the letters “RR,” and a font evocative of 1970’s hard rock album cover art. The home page visual evokes the story: Good times, good music, and good friends. The site also features a link to merchandise where you can find a selection of glassware, t-shirts, hats and, more.