Judge Adams and Judge Wood
Client Feature: Judge Adams and Judge Wood

Client Feature: Judge Adams and Judge Wood

July 15, 2024 | By: Author Page for Leah Rosenthal

After retirement from the Marin County Superior Court, Judge Adams and Judge Wood decided to open their own private judging and mediation practice. For the new endeavor, they required a new website and were referred to WSD by the principals of Taubman Dias Dominguez LLP.

Verna and Beverly are trailblazers in their field — Verna was the 4th female judge to ever be appointed in Marin County and Beverly was the 8th. Verna penned this article about breaking the glass ceiling in Marin. 

WSD began the creative process by designing an elegant type treatment for their logo. We then developed a simple and sophisticated website that appeals to San Francisco Bay Area litigants seeking private judging and mediation services. The client had a short production deadline that we were able to accommodate.


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