Laura & Kristin logo over Mt Tam sunrise
Home is Where the Heart is:

Home is Where the Heart is:

October 1, 2024 | By: Author Page for Chris Haugen

WebSight Design recently launched a new site for Laura and Kristin. Laura Reinertsen & Kristin Sennett have been premier real estate agents in Marin County for over 22 years. WebSight Design (WSD) has worked closely with them for two decades, launching their first site in 2006 when they were part of Morgan Lane Marin. 

WSD launched a second website when they partnered with Pacific Union International, and a third site when Pacific Union merged with Compass.

Cookie cutter templates need not apply

Laura and Kristin have always had unique design requirements that simply do not fit into DIY website templates offered by out-of-the-box providers. They have a distinctive color palette – green, blue, orange, red – and the unique “house, casa, pad” logo, that we have helped them evolve over decades. Their main design requirement was to meld their unique branding with that of their brokerage, Compass. Laura and Kristin had great photos to work with, which helped add color and vibrance to the otherwise austere black-and-white palette of Compass. To pop off the black, we also incorporated L&K's signature bright colors as links and headlines.

Screenshot from

On the technology side, Laura and Kristin utilized WSD’s robust, yet user-friendly Content Management System. Additionally, we streamlined their voluminous sales history to feature select transactions. In addition to handling their website needs, WSD also provides email and technical support.

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