Tag: santana

Blog Articles

  • JorgeSantana.com’s Redesign Promotes His Newest Album, Gracias Madrecita

    November 22, 2011

    WebSight Design is proud to announce a fresh redesign for JorgeSantana.com. Jorge Santana, brother of the legendary Carlos Santana, decided to redesign his site to announce his new album, Gracias…

  • Cindy Blackman Santana's Website Design is Rockin'!

    November 14, 2011

    WebSight Design is proud to announce the launch of Cindy Blackman Santana's new website! WSD worked closely with Cindy to create the most rockin' and user-friendly website for her future or…

  • WebSight Design in Guitar Heaven with Santana

    January 06, 2011

    In the fall of 2010, long time WSD client, Santana, released his new album Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time. Santana and co-producer, Clive Davis, invited some of the best…

  • DoALittle.org

    September 03, 2009

    DoALittle.org is a non-profit organization the supports women in the areas of health, education & happiness.  They just launched their new website built by WebSight Design.  Our design…

  • Relaunch for Santana.com

    July 07, 2009

    As you must have noticed, we have been working closely with Carlos Santana. In February we released our first iPhone app for Santana and now we are happy to say the newly renovated Santana.com…

  • Case Study: Carlos Santana iPhone App

    March 31, 2009

    About a month ago, WebSight Design released our first iPhone application for the musician Carlos Santana.  I thought it might be interesting and maybe even helpful for others iPhone…